Not Dead Yet

Wow. I guess this “covid” thing is real. I’m “recovered” now but really– so much B.S. has been spilt over this it just boggles the mind.

Almost as much as the evil Chinese bio-weapon itself.

Having gone through a bout of Corona Virus I now know what it means to peer into the abyss. You don’t want to catch this, but I’m inclined to think that there are few real defenses that work every time.

I’ve also learned about “covid psychosis” and I’m here to testify that it’s a real thing and I’m certain that post-covid insanity is one reason why it’s A LOT more dangerous to drive (and go to Dairy Queen) than it was five years ago. Fortunately, I’m all better now.

Later. I have to get back to watching one of my favorite movies.


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